The inspiring and gritty story of the World's Greatest AthleteRedemption tells the story of Bryan Clay, winner of the 2008 Olympic gold medal and the 2004 Olympic silver medal in the decathlon. By the grace of God, Bryan went from being a fist-fighting, drug-using, presuicidal kid in Hawaii to world champion in the toughest Olympic sport. His secret? A dramatically rediscovered faith and his mother’s relentless prayers.Redemption goes beyond standard sports memoirs, giving a clear storyline of an athlete’s misspent youth, his desperate Christian conversion at a time of utter personal defeat, and his mother’s fervent prayers that helped transform him into a top athlete, family man, and loving father. Bryan’s story will inspire mothers, fathers, and young readers alike as they experience the rise of a champion from obscurity and failure to the pinnacle of athletic achievement.The world will be watching Bryan, at the age of 32, defend his gold medal at the London Olympics in 2012.There's always so many scandals when it comes to the Olympic athletes but we never know the story behind why something happened, only that it happened. The media seems to want to jump all over the issue, but not tackle the why. It was great to read why Bryan was so angry and the things he went through as a child. I'm glad he chose to write the book himself rather than have someone else do it for him as I believe the emotion felt from this book was raw and uncontained. It was from the heart, not from someone else's perspective.
This book was a great eye opener to others that no matter how broken and tore up you are inside, God can make all things beautiful for his name sake.
I would definitely recommend!
"I got this book from in exchange for an honest review"
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